Friday, 29 June 2012

My NeW-BoRn CoUsIn ZaRa DeLiSyA........



Hooolala buddyz...... I think it is time also I did not update my blog coz I have to go through the final examination of sem 2 recent...n now, i'm Finished it, hopefully my results is better than last sem..huhuhu..babe, u know what....i'm really missed to write,write and,by this chance I have something to share with u olzz, It is about my new-born cousin... hmmm... no new it is, she is about a month already....


A month ago...(before I made my blog)..-perlula mention benda tu kn??? urgh!.... i was excited when receiving a call from my mom coz she told me about the birth of a bebygurl from my aunt (I called her Cuma)... what shocked me was the beby's weight reached 4.57 kg.... but Cuma gave birth normally, not the way surgery.... I'm very impressed of Cuma very much.......huhuhu... berat kot lau beby 4.5kg tu..... memg ak xnafi, time Cuma pregnant pon ak mati2 ingt twin coz pwot cuma besar sgt..... 

Namer bebygurl ni Zara Delisya......nice rite??? Cuma memang dr dulu lg nk bg nme Zara kat pangkal namer ank! her dream was realize......hehe...baru jer 6 hari aku balik kg tp tiap2 hari ak pegi jenguk Zara kat umah kie ngan wan ak.....xjemu la tgk n kiss dyer...cute...wangi....

N hari ni ak penat skit...coz hr ni umah kie ak ader wat makan2 sikit, sempena cukur rambut Zara,..Pak Su (ayh Zara) pon ader balik untuk majlis mlm ni Pak Su da nak naik bus balik ke Skudai coz esok petang Pak Su da nak masuk keje balik....tinggal la Dax Zara ngan ibu dyer je kat umah wan n kie.....sbb Cuma masih dlm, xleh ikt balik nnt Dax Zara ngan ibu dyer akn balik jgk, agi pon Cuma just cuti bersalin.....huhuhu.. 

no wonder la.... ok,now ak nk share ngan buddyz gmbr dax comey Zara.....

Dax Zara ni active sgt taw.....pntg letak ats tilam, msti dyer nk geliat2...lau xsendal ngan bntal ucuk dyer, alamtnyer terguling2 la kat ats kner ltk dlm buai...jap jer lena lau duk lam buai....Zara, ak hepi coz ader gak peneman aku cuti sem ni..... mesti pasni ak wndukan Dax Debab ni sgt2....huhuhu..I feel quite dissapointed actually,since then, does not matter because Zara is still in the village for almost half of my semester break before Zara and her mom going back to Johore....huhuhuhu....Have a Nice Day There Debab!

Last but not least,...ak nk minx mf sgt2 coz entri ak kali ni short sgt....nnt free,ak update lg kay???.....

Take Care Buddyz.....
